
时不时多复习 在这泥石乱流,信息量爆炸的互联网时代中 去浮躁正初心√

1.图1-3节选自 《我们没必要相互理解》by硬核的半佛仙人


2.千云太太的创作谈 一个初心不变的作者的卡文叨叨



听觉享受 boho blissful flow

听觉享受The Guided Meditation  Mindfulness up hill

视听享受boho summer rainbow waterflow

Nepal雪山系列 明澈悠远 

wakeup for harmony strength inner power hamstring relief

视听享受 meditation waterflow grounding strength

视听享受《骑大角鹿的查坦人》reindeer herders in northern Mongolia


life is just all about finding Urself in different places and losing Urself and and then finding Urself again√

5.纪录片《本草中华》,松烟入墨,荷叶制碳;卷柏成精,绝处逢生;千年松脂,灵蕴茯苓......美就完事了 bgm原声带集也美(破站什么时候把第一季也搞过来)

6.纪录片《Secrets of a Police Marksman》   一部由特警神枪手老哥大半辈子的纪实片却涵盖了社会百态 值得反复复习

速记:Authorised firearms officer be accused of murder 8 years after  shot wrong target at very circumstances.

latent point: self-discrimination-use self-skin colour as weapon.

Really had The cost of inaccurate police intelligence being laid so bare     警方情报失误造成的代价绝少暴露得这么赤裸.

‘比犯罪更可怕的是失去约束的刑罚权 必须对刑罚权加以最严格的约束‘   

   'If they pose an immediate threat to you, they cease to be human being.They are targets.  because your brain has said-Now they have to be shot- And you shoot them-they had done what they have been trained to do . -somebody happens to be people like me,who has to take of human life that some may think absolutely abhorrent.'

   克雷托行动-They were known as operation Kratos. Police officers in the United kingdoms are taught to shoot at largest part of the body Which is the center mass of the torso.However, In a Kratos situation bcz We are now talking about triggering an explosive device. A decision is made and that is justified  taking a headshot  Specifically at the brainstem , Because by doing so you hoped to disconnect the brain and nervous system from the thumb or the triggering device .
they had been commended seven times in a 33-year career but the  wrongful shooting of De Menezes Had damaging the reputation of armed  policing.And in 2015 Found himself the fourth officer In British police history to be tried for a murder in the line of the duty.

  ‘原则不过是我们这些有限的人类制定的规则罢了 而人的理性是有限的 所以当原则和常识发生冲突…很多时候原则就可能要修正‘



   落月 雪山 云海 瀑布 山川 星空 大海 , 绝美自然盛宴,每天来一遍清空负能量。


  8. 春雷太太的reading repo(史记read historical fiction from an Eastern Hemisphere country】



Jonna Jinton 臻享自然 北欧极寒环境独立生活,狗子和一只猫的陪伴,零下十几度的冬泳...   I feel thousand times more alive when walking into ice-cold water, And I feel the blood rushing through my body doing all it can to keep me alive、

10. 神仙舞剑神仙空翻 — 每天坚持锻炼和科学训练核心肌肉力量的动力源——希望有一天我能骄傲的说:我是中国人,我会武术!向着(Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon)Fight!!(o^-^)!☆ミ☆ミ



人生在世 嗑粮吸汪

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